
Address: 131 S Lake Ave Albany, NY 12208 Phone: (518) 500-3988 Url: Category: Dentist, Dental Clinic Hours: Mon - Fri 8 am - 5 pm Payment: All cc, cash Description: There are numerous factors that contribute to a patient’s candidacy for dental implants. Contrary to popular belief, not all people qualify for this dental procedure. If you are a person who wants a fully functioning, natural feeling, and long-lasting set of replacement teeth, then you are on the way to being a suitable candidate. Of course, there are some issues that are presented with dental implants. Fortunately, they are not as painful as previous years; however, the items are bulky and may make simple tasks difficult to manage including eating or talking. Are you a resident of Albany, New York or the surrounding area? Are you considering teeth implants or another dental procedure? If your response was yes to either of these questions, then it